Mokohinau Islands
The Mokohinau Islands (The Mokes) are just over an hours cruising time directly off the coast from Mangawhai.
The old wharf at the Mokohinau Islands, built to service the lighthouse many years ago. The walk on Burgess Island up to the lighthouse is only for the fittest, as it's well overgrown and very steep in parts, but well worth the view once there. This is the only island in the Mokohinau group which the public can walk ashore. The group is made up of several Islands, the largest being Fannel Island. Maori Rocks get their name from the iconic rock, which from a distance resembles a cloaked Maori chief then there's Simpsons Rock, which is often mistaken for a boat in the distance and Navarre Reef which is also known as Submarine Rock... (it looks a bit like a submarine).
Grouper Rock, is just to the west of the main Mokes Islands, deep water fishing around this rock can produce nice fish and just in from Grouper Rock is Flax Island, which provides some safe anchorages for different wind and sea conditions. The Arch... also known as the Cathedral, can fit up to fifteen boats, if everyone anchors considerately. Years ago when the lighthouse had the old light... the cliffs used to light up with every turn of the mirror as the old lighthouse lit the way for mariners.